Thursday, 19 July 2012
FAT AND DIABETES this site is all about providing solution to eliminate or eradication diabetes.Hope you do find the information useful, even though i stole it.Don't mine me. But could you believe the truth that warrior string bean juice really have the power or potency of defeating giant diabetes. Well their case is just like warrior David and Goliath the giant. Lets check out the truth of the matter.
This juice is of particular benefit to diabetics. Diabetes is a very dietary disease resulting from the excessive consumption of concentrated starches and sugars, and is aggravated by the consumption of meat.
It is definitely concealed that the hypodermic injection of insulin does not furnish a cure for this disease. Diabetes is not a hereditary disease. It may, however caused by hereditary habit of the excessive use of concentrated carbohydrates. The feeding of inorganic, cooked flour and grain products and pasteurized of boiled cow's milk to infants is the contributing factor in the development of diabetes in children and adolescents primarily and in adults eventually.
Insulin is a substance that the pancreatic gland secretes to enable the body to properly utilize natural sugar (not the manufactured sugars) as feel and energy to carry on its activities. As we have previously pointed out, the body can only use, constructively, the natural vital organic sugars as which fresh vegetables and fruits furnish in an abundance. It cannot use starch nor manufactured sugars as such, but must reconvert them into primary sugars. Starch is an inorganic product and the sugars which are converted from it in the body are,of course, also inorganic. Inorganic element have no enzyme life or vitality. The pancreas therefore works overtime in this reconversion process, only to receive lifeless atom in return, which have no regenerative quality whatsoever. This results in what is known as DIABETES.
The fact that excessive adipose tissues accumulates in diabetics is the result of the false inorganic insulin stimulus, which not only does not burn up the waste matter, but actually helps it to accumulate.
It has been found that string bean and Brussels sprouts when made into juice, contain elements which furnish the ingredients for the natural insulin for the pancreatic functions of the digestive organism.
Then in cases of diabetes, the entire elimination of all concentrated starches and sugars of every nature whatsoever, and the DRINKING OF A COMBINATION OF THE JUICES OF CARROT, LETTUCE, STRING BEANS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS AT THE RATE OF ABOUT TWO PINTS DAILY,BESIDES ONE PINT DAILY OF CARROT AND SPINACH JUICE, gave results which were satisfactorily and beneficially. Good for your health.
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