Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Diabetes is running rampant, as the statistics record we cited suggest. If people are not yet diagnosed with diabetes, many have a precondition to the disease that is called hypoglycemic.as we discussed, we have become a nation of carboholics,due in the part to government recommendations of the food pyramid that educates the public concerning the proper way to eat in order to stay healthy. We noted the problem caused by eating several servings of refine carbonhydrates a day,as the pyramid suggests.
              In the case of diabetes, instead of the heart wearing out, the pancreas wears out from having to pump so much insulin into the system to accommodate the high-sugar diets as a result of our overload of refined carbohydrates. When it wears out the point that it can no longer produce insulin,we call that condition diabetes.Doctors have to prescribe to diabetics the hormone called insulin because the pancreas can no longer make it.
               One of the symptoms someone with diabetes will note, is that when you urinate on ground you will see sugar ants gather around that very spot within a few minutes. So beware of your diets. At this point, stay away from white sugar, white bread etc.you need to include fiber in your diets or some that contains fiber.

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