Thursday, 19 July 2012


FAT AND DIABETES this site is all about providing solution to eliminate or eradication diabetes.Hope you do find the information useful, even though i stole it.Don't mine me. But could you believe the truth that warrior string bean juice really have the power or potency of defeating giant diabetes. Well their case is just like warrior David and Goliath the giant. Lets check out the truth of the matter. This juice is of particular benefit to diabetics. Diabetes is a very dietary disease resulting from the excessive consumption of concentrated starches and sugars, and is aggravated by the consumption of meat. It is definitely concealed that the hypodermic injection of insulin does not furnish a cure for this disease. Diabetes is not a hereditary disease. It may, however caused by hereditary habit of the excessive use of concentrated carbohydrates. The feeding of inorganic, cooked flour and grain products and pasteurized of boiled cow's milk to infants is the contributing factor in the development of diabetes in children and adolescents primarily and in adults eventually. Insulin is a substance that the pancreatic gland secretes to enable the body to properly utilize natural sugar (not the manufactured sugars) as feel and energy to carry on its activities. As we have previously pointed out, the body can only use, constructively, the natural vital organic sugars as which fresh vegetables and fruits furnish in an abundance. It cannot use starch nor manufactured sugars as such, but must reconvert them into primary sugars. Starch is an inorganic product and the sugars which are converted from it in the body are,of course, also inorganic. Inorganic element have no enzyme life or vitality. The pancreas therefore works overtime in this reconversion process, only to receive lifeless atom in return, which have no regenerative quality whatsoever. This results in what is known as DIABETES. The fact that excessive adipose tissues accumulates in diabetics is the result of the false inorganic insulin stimulus, which not only does not burn up the waste matter, but actually helps it to accumulate. It has been found that string bean and Brussels sprouts when made into juice, contain elements which furnish the ingredients for the natural insulin for the pancreatic functions of the digestive organism. Then in cases of diabetes, the entire elimination of all concentrated starches and sugars of every nature whatsoever, and the DRINKING OF A COMBINATION OF THE JUICES OF CARROT, LETTUCE, STRING BEANS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS AT THE RATE OF ABOUT TWO PINTS DAILY,BESIDES ONE PINT DAILY OF CARROT AND SPINACH JUICE, gave results which were satisfactorily and beneficially. Good for your health.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


Diabetes can be very dangerous, do you know that? More than 17million people suffer from diabetes in the country today according to the U.S. Department of health and human services. Diabetes occurs when all of the sugar and carbohydrates that a person consumes are not use properly. The pancreas produces too much insulin, thus creating high blood sugar. Diabetes can be very dangerous leading to heart and kidney disease, stroke, blindness, hypertension and even to death. Jonathan Wright, M.D. recommends that diabetics totally eliminate refined sugar and sugar products from their diet completely.My clients feels wonderful after eliminating sugar from their lives. Diabetes is a disease based in the pancreas that result in abnormal high blood sugar levels. The characterize symptoms of diabetes include dry itching skin, extreme thirst, frequent and excessive urination, obesity, hypertension,kidney problems, blurred vision, high blood sugar, constant hunger and sugar cravings. Bloodshot eyes can also be a sign of diabetes.If your eyes are frequently bloodshot (red consult your doctor for proper checkup. Some other causes of reddened eyes may be allergies and eyelid infections. A good healthy diet of high fiber food and chromium-rich foods such as eggs, brewer's yeast, onions, garlic, Shiite mushrooms and wheat germ is especially helpful in controlling diabetes. Eat salmon at least once a week for omega-3s, and avoid all fatty fried foods. Also avoid cow's milk and alcohol.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Diabetes is running rampant, as the statistics record we cited suggest. If people are not yet diagnosed with diabetes, many have a precondition to the disease that is called we discussed, we have become a nation of carboholics,due in the part to government recommendations of the food pyramid that educates the public concerning the proper way to eat in order to stay healthy. We noted the problem caused by eating several servings of refine carbonhydrates a day,as the pyramid suggests.
              In the case of diabetes, instead of the heart wearing out, the pancreas wears out from having to pump so much insulin into the system to accommodate the high-sugar diets as a result of our overload of refined carbohydrates. When it wears out the point that it can no longer produce insulin,we call that condition diabetes.Doctors have to prescribe to diabetics the hormone called insulin because the pancreas can no longer make it.
               One of the symptoms someone with diabetes will note, is that when you urinate on ground you will see sugar ants gather around that very spot within a few minutes. So beware of your diets. At this point, stay away from white sugar, white bread need to include fiber in your diets or some that contains fiber.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Type 2 Diabetes - Get Healthy by Bringing Your Blood Sugar Under Control!

I am sure you have heard this before, but if you have Type 2 diabetes it is really important to overhaul your eating plan. The food you eat really can change your life.
Stop eating junk food and fast food. Avoid all processed food when possible. Instead, shop in the perimeter of your grocery store looking at fruit, vegetables, lean meat and low-fat dairy. Foods with a slimming effect help to bring your blood sugar under control. Research shows avoiding fatty foods may also help your body regain some of its lost insulin sensitivity.
Certain foods give you extra power to control your blood sugar:
Low-GI foods: The glycemic index shows which foods raise your blood sugar more strongly, and which ones have a lesser effect. Here are a few low-GI foods to help you:
  • peas, beans, and lentils
  • green leafy vegetables
  • yams and sweet potato
  • fruits excluding watermelon and pineapple
  • oatmeal and bran cereals
  • barley
  • pumpernickel or rye breads
But don't forget, everyone is different. If a food spikes your blood sugar, set it aside and try it again later on.
There are different ways you can add more fruit and vegetables to your eating plan:
  • start juicing and maybe made the occasional smoothie. Of course, you want to steer clear of high sugar fruit as these can spike your blood sugar level. Instead, focus on mostly vegetables with a dash of fruit so you can get the sweet taste in your juices and smoothies. You may also want to add protein powder, or even nuts, to give you added protein plus stop those blood sugar spikes. Adding protein will keep you feeling full longer and lessen your desire to snack all day long.

  • another great way to add more fruit and vegetables is by cutting them up and keeping them in a small cooler in your car when you're traveling back and forth to work. When you have the urge to munch on something, have some baby carrots dipped in some low-fat ranch dressing or an apple with low-fat almond butter.
There are many different options available to you when you plan ahead and put fruit or vegetables within your reach. Make eating healthily as easy and convenient as possible.
Finally, another great way to eat more fruit and vegetables is by making a salad the center of your meal. Why not have a salad at least once a day? Make a big salad with different colored fruits and vegetables. You can use a dressing as simple as balsamic vinegar. It's very easy to make your own dressing by using balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and even a little olive oil if needed.
As you can see, being a Type 2 diabetic doesn't mean you have to live an eternal life of feeling overweight and out of shape.
  • by changing your diet, eliminating unhealthy foods; you will immediately find you have more energy.
  • cinnamon is good for healthy blood sugar, also. Adding 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon each day can reduce blood sugar levels by 18 to 29 percent. Why not add it to your oatmeal of fruit desserts?
  • add exercise to your routine of eating healthy food, and the extra weight you are carrying will start to melt away, bit by bit.
Type 2 diabetes shouldn't stop you from enjoying a healthy, active life!
How do you start to create a healthy lifestyle today so you can avoid unstable blood sugar and improve your weight loss?
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
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