Wednesday, 20 May 2015

High Energy 

High Energy Supplement: * Increases energy and alertness.
* Strengthens immune function.
* Relieves stress and improves oxygen levels.
* Acts as an antidepressant.
* Increases sexual interest.
* Mobilizes blood sugar from the liver.
* Promotes a healthy nervous system.
1. Formulated with 6 essential stimulants to keep your body and mind alert.
2. Provides an individual with the extra energy to keep on going after numerous hours during a busy work day.
3. Tablets do not have any of the other side effects of NoDoz type products.
4. Used by millions of people every day to help them remain alert and focused.
Siberian Ginseng:
* Increases energy and alertness
* Strengthens immune function
* Relieves stress
* Improves oxygen levels
Kola Nut Extract:
* Small amount of caffeine, stimulant
* Helps improve oxygen levels
* Useful treatment for angina
* Improves memory and mental alertness
* Acts as an antidepressant
* Increases sexual interest
* Serves as a stimulant to the brain
* Produces glycogen which mobilizes blood sugar from the liver
* Helps form and regenerate red blood cells which carry oxygen to the tissue, giving you more energy
* Improves circulation, memory and balance
* Promotes a healthy nervous system
Take 1 to 2 tablets 3 times a day to maintain mental focus and alertness.
All 6 ingredients contained within contain 100% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients.
High Energy is a safe and highly effective energy booster supplement for individuals of all ages, sexes, and backgrounds.
Each HIGH ENERGY tablet contains the following ingredients:
Ingredients...................................................... Amount
Siberian Ginseng.................................................20 mg
Kola Nut Extract.................................................300 mg
Lysine................................................................100 mg
Phenylalanine...................................................100 mg
Glycine..............................................................100 mg
Cyanocobalamin...............................................200 mcg

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Pure Thermo Burn Case Wholesale (12-bottle case)

Guarana - Guarana contains a high amount of guaranine, a chemical substance with the same characteristics as caffeine. It may quicken perception, delay sleep and help with endurance based activities.
Uva ursi - This promotes water loss, especially around the stomach area, to look leaner and has been used to help with urinary tract infections.
White Willow Bark - This herb helps drive the fat out of your body faster by dilating your veins, similar to aspirin.
Gugulipid - Helps stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormones and will help lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol.
Green Tea Extract - Helps with thermogenesis and aids in metabolism of fat, also known as a powerful antioxidant.
Citrus Aurantium - Helps break down fat, by increasing metabolism and helps suppress the appetite.
Forslean - Helps lower blood pressure and helps regulate insulin levels.
Chromium Polynicotinate - Helps control insulin levels and blood sugar.
Niacin and Cayenne - Natural ingredients that help increase metabolism and burn fat.
l-tyrosine - This amino acid helps keep muscles from breaking down during dieting and exercise.
l-carnitine, Vitamin B5, Calcium Pantothenate - helps with fat loss and energy. Increased calcium helps to reduce cramping.
Take 2 tablets before breakfast and lunch.
Take 1 tablet mid afternoon.
Take with 8 oz of water.
Cycle 5 days on, 2 days off.

All products are based on extracts of herbs with the Stara Planina
List of black mulberry, bean, blueberry leaf, Nettle leaf, Paint Brushes, dandelion root.

It is used as an adjunctive therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus type II (non-insulin-independent), because with respect to diet nutrition, physical activity and the earlier drugs, soon elevated glycemia brings closer normaloglikemiji. In consultation with the doctor can be used with the I of diabetes, but be careful of hypoglycemia. It lowers and stabilizes blood glucose. The first improvement is to be expected after 3 weeks.

Method of use:
2 tea bags (3 g) in 2 dl of boiling water, stand covered until it cools down. Tea is drunk three times a day before meals, not sweetened. One package of tea is enough for 6.5 days.

Observations from practice:
Our associate who had a blood sugar measuring unit 15 is taking medication for diabetes and along with that diabetic tea and a bag in the morning and one in the evening. After 10 days of use diabetic tea, with 15 units of measure her sugar dropped to 10th

40 Bag

Monday, 18 May 2015

Kenya Fresh Apple Mangoes   Here are 17 healthy reasons why you should be eating a kenya fresh apple mango every day. 1. Fights cancer
Antioxidants like quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat present in mango protect the body against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers.
2. Keeps cholesterol in check
Mango has high level of vitamin C, pectin and fibres that help to lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps to control heart rate and blood pressure.
3. Skin cleanser
Mangoes help you unclog your pores and add freshness to the face. Mangoes are applicable to any skin type. They help clear clogged pores that cause acne. Just slice a mango into thin pieces and keep them on your face for 10 to 15 minutes and then take bath or wash your face and see the results.
4. Alkalizes the body
According to natural health, mango is rich in tartaric acid, malic acid and traces of citric acid that primarily help in maintaining the alkali reserve of the body.
5. Weight loss
Mango has a lot of vitamins and nutrients that help the body feel fuller. Also, the fibrous fruit boosts the digestive function of the body by burning additional calories, helping in weight loss.
6. Regulates diabetes
Not only the fruit but the leaves of mangoes are healthy too. For people suffering from diabetes, just boil 5-6 mango leaves in a vessel, soak it through night and drink the filtered decoction in the morning. This is helps in regulating your insulin levels.
Mango has a low glycemic index (41-60) so going a little overboard will not increase your sugar levels.
7. Aphrodisiac
Mango has aphrodisiac qualities and is also called the ‘love fruit’. Mangoes increase the virility in men. Vitamin E, which is abundantly present in mangoes, helps to regulate sex hormones and boosts sex drive.
8. Eye care
Did you know that mango is rich in vitamin A. One cup of sliced mangoes equals 25% intake of your daily need of vitamin A. Mangoes help in promoting good eye sight, fights dry eyes and also prevent night blindness.
9. Helps in digestion
Mango contains enzymes that help in breaking down protein. The fibrous nature of mango helps in digestion and elimination. It is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.
10. Heat stroke
When the sun is bogging you down this summer, just chop of a mango in a juicer; add a little water and a tbsp. of sugar free or honey. This juice will instantly cool you down and prevent heat stroke.
11. Strengthens your immune
The deadly combination of vitamin C, vitamin A and 25 different kinds of carotenoids keep your immune system healthy.
12. Body scrub
Make a paste of mashed mango, honey and milk and use as a body scrub, you will feel that your skin is tender and smooth.
13. Aids concentration and memory
Studying for exams? This fruit is rich in glutamine acid– an important protein for concentration and memory. Feed mangoes to children who find it difficult to concentrate on studies.
14. High iron for women
Mango is rich in iron; hence it is a great natural solution for people suffering from anemia. Menopausal and pregnant women can indulge in mangoes as this will increase their iron levels and calcium at the same time.
15. Reduces Kidney Stones
In Chinese medicine, mangoes are considered sweet and sour with a cooling energy also capable of reducing the risk of kidney stone formation.
16. Perfect Snack
Instead of snacking on unhealthy chips and cookies, why not feast on slices of mangoes instead. They are perhaps one of the tastiest dehydrated fruits of all.
17. Stomach Tonic
Before going to bed put some 10 or 15 mango leaves in warm water and close it with lid. The next day morning filter the water and drink it in empty stomach. Do this regularly.
Super Antioxidant Formula  

Boost your energy levels, destroy free radicals, and promote a healthy lifestyle with the Super Antioxidant Formula:
* Contains all 10 recommended antioxidants.
* Aids your body in removing cancerous free radicals from itself.
* Provides protection for collagen and connective tissues.
* Speeds wound healing and protects against pollutants and toxins.
* Helps prevent cataract formation and protects against neurological disorders.
Ingredients: Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Superoxide Dismutase, Co Q-10, Copper Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate, Selenium.
Bottle contains 90 tablets.
Dosage: Take 1-3 tablets a day with meals.
Each tablet contains the following ingredients:
Ingredients. Amount RDA
Beta Carotene 4 mg 500%
Vitamin E 80 IU 250%
Vitamin C 200 mg 333%
Citrus Bioflavonoids 10 mg *
Superoxide Dismutase 10 mg *
Coenzyme Q 10 10 mcg *
Copper 8 mg 800%
Zinc 45 mg 300%
Manganese 8 mg *
Selenium Organic Form 20 mcg *